Monday, March 3, 2008

Why this, why now?

Honestly, “because I could.”

I was sitting around a proverbial coffeeshop with some friends and we were talking about the impact God was having on our lives. I told a few stories that you can read on my other blog and talked a bit about what I’d discovered while reading Mark 10. What I found was that in the new testament, Jesus does not ask for 10% like I am so fond of asking people to give, but 100%. Now this is a very unpalatable idea, but it’s real. And I think it’s something we need to get talking about.

So I googled it quickly and found that these domain names were available, so I snapped them up. ( and .org)

This site will hopefully become a place to read and respond to some ideas about interpreting this very difficult passage and applying it to our lives.

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