Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Giving it up

The rich young man walks away from Christ, the source of salvation, with his head hung low, because the price that is asked is too high.

You don’t have to be rich to make that mistake.

Very often, there’s something in our life that we’re just not willing to give up. I challenge you that following Jesus is not as simple as making a simple decision and praying a seven word prayer. It’s about daily taking up his cross, and that involves sacrifice.

For some, like the man in the biblical story, that sacrifice could be money and riches. For others, it might be a car or a “toy” of some sort. But materialism isn’t the only thing that gets in the way of our walk with God.

Have you ever met a Christian who was so caught up with something, anything, that they lost sight of the Gospel for even a moment? Perhaps it was a career. Perhaps a spouse or a girlfriend. Or it might be something you don’t even possess.

It is necessary to give it all up to God, even our desires. Remember that many things are impossible to man, but become possible to God. If you are struggling with a desire, give it to God.

It’s an easy thing to say “Give it up to God”, but how do you actualize that goal? It’s not easy. In my experience, all I can say is, visualize the opposite of your anxiety. If you’re anxious about finding a relationship, examine your life without a relationship, and pray for acceptance of your life as a single person. If you’re anxious about success in a career, pray for acceptance of your real abilities and not those you wish you had. These are just examples, but they apply to very important realities. If you’re anxious about money, pray for contentment and poverty.

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus replied, “no one who has (given up) for the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age ... and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”

By truly giving up, you’re setting yourself up for human failure and divine success. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be successful and fulfilled in God’s eyes than in those of my fellow man or even myself.

So give it all up to him.

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